A conversation with Dr. Mitch Handelsman - Professor of Psychology at the University of Colorado in Denver - on how harnessing our human thought processes can guide us towards making ethically excellent decisions in psychotherapy.
You an email Mitch at mitchell.handelsman@ucdenver.edu
Mitch's faculty page at UCD - http://clasfaculty.ucdenver.edu/mhandels/
Mitch's blog at Psychology Today - The Ethical Professor
For the APA citation of this episode visit www.thethoughtfulcounselor.com
A conversation with Dr. Alyson Carr on how failing the NCMHCE (National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination) provided a catalyst for personal and professional growth as well as how counselors can transform failure into an opportunity to refine and enrich their practice.
Alyson's email: DrAlysonCarr@gmail.com
Alyson's website: http://dralysoncarr.com/
Alyson's article at Counseling Today: Why Failing the NCMHCE Felt So Good
For the APA citation for this episode visit www.thethoughtfulcounselor.com
A conversation with Dr. Carl Sheperis - Program Dean of the College of Social Sciences at University of Phoenix, Vice-Chair of the National Board of Certified Counselors, and past president of the Association for Assessment and Research in Counseling - on counselor professional identity, why counseling is a profession and not a field, the 20/20 vision for the future of counseling, and counselor professional identity in an international context.
Carl's website: https://sites.google.com/site/carljsheperisphd/
You can email Carl @ csheperis@gmail.com
The American Counselor Association's page for the 20/20 vision: https://www.counseling.org/knowledge-center/20-20-a-vision-for-the-future-of-counseling
For the APA citation for this episode visit www.thethoughtfulcounselor.com
A conversation with Dr. Priscilla G. Wilson - assistant professor in the College of Education and Professional Studies at Jacksonville State University in Alabama - on the different types of microaggressions in and outside of counseling, dilemmas that clients and counselors face, and reflections on the "golden rule" as a way forward.
Priscilla's article at Counseling Today: Raising counselors’ awareness of microaggressions
Email Priscilla at pgwilson@jsu.edu
For the APA citation for the episode visit www.thethoughtfulcounselor.com