This week, Dr. Megan Speciale talks to Dr. Tina Schermer Sellers about religion, values, and sexual wellness. The conversation unpacks the widespread experience of sexual shame: why we feel it, how it impacts our sexual health, and how we can use sex-positivity, body appreciation, and spirituality to overcome it.
For more on Tina, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
The second conversation in a 2-part series with Kelly Coker and Tyler Kimbel on “multiple professional identity disorder,” barriers to advancing the counseling profession, international advocacy and how you can help grow the counseling profession.
For more on Kelly and Tyler, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
The first conversation in a 2-part series with Kelly Coker and Tyler Kimbel on the origin and history of CACREP, the role of accreditation in the counseling profession, and where to go next.
For more on Kelly and Tyler, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
Allison talks with Professor David L. Prucha about the unintended impacts of demonizing domestic violence perpetrators on their victims and tips for counselors working with violent offenders on how to approach this challenging population.
For more on David, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Paul Fugelsang, founder and executive director of Open Path Psychotherapy Collective, a non-profit organization that provides middle and lower-income level individuals, couples, families, and children with access to affordable psychotherapy and mental health education services.
For more on Paul, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Rob Reinhardt and Roy Huggins - hosts of the TherapyTech podcast and creators of Person-Centered Tech and Tame Your Practice - on the pearls and perils of using technology in counseling and what counselors are doing right (and wrong) when it comes to incorporating technology into our practice.
For more on Rob and Roy, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Javier F. Casado Pérez on broaching privilege, critical multiculturalism, and encouraging radical wellness in our counseling practice.
For more on Javier, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Dr. Leslie Korn about the impact of nutrition on mental health. In this interview, Dr. Korn highlights good and bad foods for the brain, debunks commonly held nutritional beliefs, and provides practical suggestions for clinicians and clients alike.
For more on Leslie, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Zach Burns on how counselors are uniquely equipped to assist those struggling with homelessness and housing instability, community resources that can be drawn on, and stepping out of our traditional roles as counselors to meet the needs of our clients.
For more on Zach, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
This week in the Sex Series, we talk to sex educator Sarah J. Swofford about how pregnancy, childbirth, and parenting can impact new parents’ sexual wellness. She discusses some of the common physical, emotional, and relational challenges experienced before and after pregnancy, and provides strategies for new parents looking for a path to sexual connection.
For more on Sarah, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
Allison talks with Dr. Richard G. Deaner, Professor of Counselor Education and Supervision at Augusta University, about the impact of Keeton v. Anderson-Wiley on the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics and on the importance of not imposing personal values on clients in counseling.
For more on Richard, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
Part 2 of an intriguing conversation with Susan Stuntzner and Angela MacDonald on the intersections of disability and forgiveness, self-compassion, and resilience, barriers to these practices, and how we can work with our clients to cultivate each of these.
For more on Susan and Angela, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
The first of two conversations with Susan Stuntzner and Angela MacDonald on the intersections of disability and forgiveness, self-compassion, and resilience, barriers to these practices, and how we can work with our clients to cultivate each of these.
For more on Susan and Angela, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Gestalt therapist and trainer Jon Frew on the origins of Gestalt Therapy, shedding the image of Fritz Perls and empty chair work, and how Gestalt’s focus on health as opposed to pathology makes it uniquely suitable for the counseling profession.
For more on Jon, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Dr. Craig Cashwell – a professor of Counseling and Human Development at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and a Fellow of the American Counseling Association – about the importance of integrating spirituality and religion into counseling practice and how to do it competently and ethically.
For more on Craig, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Dr. Priscilla G. Wilson on how children are socialized into ethnocentric monoculturalism, microagressions and systemic racism, and what counselors can do to make a difference.
For more and Priscilla, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Dee Wagner about Stephen Porges’ Polyvagal Theory. Dee provides easy to understand explanations of polyvagal theory and describes practical suggestions for applying the theory in clinical practice.
For more about Dee, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
In this episode Mike talks with Susanne Slay-Westbrook – a licensed professional counselor and marriage and family therapist with over 40 years of experience – about bringing respect into our counseling relationships and process.
For more and Susanne, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
In Episode 6 of the Sex Series Dr. Megan Speciale interviews social psychologist and award-winning book author, Dr. Sara Nasserzadeh on the Wheel of Context, a practical sexuality framework focusing on culture, community, and individual experience for educators, advocates, and researchers. As Sara describes in our conversation, “I think we can have the knowledge in the world, but without considering the context we are all forced to operate from a place of ignorance as prisoners of our individual silos.”
For more on Sara, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
The Thoughtful Counselor Team reflects on the past year of the podcast - what we have learned, some of the challenges of running a podcast, and what we are looking forward to in 2018.
For the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Dr. Holly Forester- Miller on what has changed- and what has not- in the field of ethics and best practices in counseling between the 1996 publication of her Practitioner’s Guide and its 2016 update for the American Counseling Association.
For more on Holly, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Dr. Priscilla G. Wilson – assistant professor in the College of Education and Professional Studies at Jacksonville State University in Alabama – on the different types of microaggressions in and outside of counseling, dilemmas that clients and counselors face, and reflections on the “golden rule” as a way forward.
For more about Priscilla, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Ray Barrett about counseling and telemental health covering the history of telemental health, navigating legal and ethical concerns, the process of informed consent and screen for fit, and pathways to credentialing.
For more about Ray, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Dr. Mark Woodford, Professor of Counselor Education at The College of New Jersey, about ways neuroscience findings can be used to help counselors and clients better understand addictive brain states and recovery processes.
For more about Mark, links from the conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit
A conversation with Martin Timoney on the influence of Catholic spirituality in his work as a counselor, attention vs. intention, and his experience of becoming a counselor through online learning.
For more about Martin, links from our conversation, and the APA citation for this episode visit